Many of us own and use a range of products that are made from leather like shoes, jackets, bags, etc. But how many of us, as is actually manufactured leather? Leather is for thousands of years for a variety of purposes used. Shoes made of leather making is the best known form of its use. Leather shoes are also known for their durability, comfort and durability.
First, let us know what the leather, after all is and how it ismade. Leather is a material created through the tanning of hides and skins of animals, mostly cattle hide. The tanning process converts the putrescible skin odors and into a robust, durable and versatile natural material for a variety of applications.
Leather making is a complex process that consists of many steps that convert animal skins into finished product. Leather also makes a "tanning known. Tanning is basically the most unique part of thisentire process, the tannins that are used in systems change (Gerber plant) Case chemically so that the leather that they do not rot or decay.
Animal skins have tendency to break easily and begin to stink if we use it, without any process. Therefore, the skin is treated to form leather. Leather-making process is actually composed of two essential stages: wet blue processing and the second is a degree or drying. As they are notsimple processes should be implemented in large commercial facilities, although leather made at home, but the process is so complex and stinking.
Skin consists of three layers: epidermis, derma below it is, and is at the bottom of Adipose, also known as flesh. Derma is composed of collagen fibers and is the strongest class of all. So, when the leather is produced, only that a strong flexible derma layer is required. The collagen is derived from the cells and forms a network of valuableFilaments. When leather is processed, these fibers are retained, while everything else is stripped away.
Part 1: During the process, is designed mainly the skin and the meat is cleaned from the skin, excessive animal fat is also removed.
Then the hides are washed and watered, the moisture dried hides again in solving the blood and dirt. Then chemicals are added to make the water alkaline, eating away at the hair and epidermis. During thisCollagen fibers begin to swell, while on proteins from precipitation. When this process is completed, the water brought to a stable pH condition and fail the swelling of collagen, so that enzymatic cleaners may be added to remove any remaining organic debris. Then the skin is placed in a strongly acidic solution, with which they prepared for tanning. Tannins form bonds with the collagen in the skin, making it to resist bacterial attack, and the skins are removed from wet blueProcessing tank for finishing after they run through rollers to remove excess water.
Part 2: spread hides In the next stage to the desired thickness. Leather is used in various thicknesses depending on desired. Leather has many uses of such things take time, that we may, in some form of soft products and other necessary business needs color one, so after the split in the desired thickness of tanned leather is back but this time with different materialsmake it soft, firm, or as required color.
In order to maintain softness and flexibility of the leather is oiled after dyeing. In the fattening dried leather, mechanically treated to make it smooth and polished so that it have a smooth and attractive surface. Final phase of the leather makes application of wax or polymer, which protects the leather surface for a long time.
If the entire process is finished, the leather could be cutrequired journals or in different sizes to be used objects or application.
That is, as leather is!